On the running front I am doing day one of week 6 tonight. I am glad that I am finally at the point where I just get to run through the whole thing. I felt dumb stopping to walk building up to this point, but I also credit the lack of pain or injuries to that. So, basically from here on out I run for 20 minutes slowly adding 2 minutes each night...with a little bit of walking every here and there. As for losing weight I have yet to see it. I haven't weighed myself in a couple of weeks. I am going with a different method this time. Instead of weighing myself every morning and wigging out about every little flux, I am just going to wait till I can see and feel a difference then hopefully be blown away by some awesome number on the scale. **I got sick Thursday so I still have day 3 of week 6 to do, should knock that out tomorrow night. I am hoping the lack of nutrition whilst sick will make up for the lack of running for 5 days. I did weigh myself out of boredom and cabin fever, the results are not yet blogworthy. But it's GOT to be riiiight around the corner!** Well that update was about 2 weeks ago and I HAVE STILL NO LOST A SINLGE PIDDLEY POUND! I understand that I am gaining muscle and/or my body is going into survival mode because I am making it run through the wilderness of Champion Forest every evening, but Lordy be can't you throw me a 5lb drop! I still have 10 lbs to get to my goal weight. I think that now that I am doing 'real' 30 minute runs something has to happen. I think I can see a slight difference in the mirror, and I def can feel my clothes fitting loosely, so those are good signs.
I have more to tell you about the running program I am finishing up and how I have done it and what I think about it, but I'll save that for my next post...you know around Thanksgiving or so.
As for tennis, it is going well! Lessons were rained out a couple of weeks in a row which was annoying, but we're back in the game and as of last week we were doing official advanced beginner drills. Woohoo! Advanced beginner is one step closer to intermediate, which is also one step closer to a cute new tennis skirt. **Lessons were rained out again last Wednesday and this week I have free tickets to Britney Spears. I did go practice the other day and was satisfied with my overall performance. I have also kept an eye on the US Open, so that helps right?** Last week was my first lesson back after missing 3 weeks due to weather and Brit Brit. It was very, very bad. I have to be better this week :(
Another summer happening for me has been Book Club. We talked about putting one together and we have a good little group going and we're already on book #4. Here is my opinion of them,
June, Eva's pick, The Maltese Falcon: I didn't read the book. I lied at the very first book club. I think most of the girl's read this and now the secret is out! BUT, I also know at least one other girl there did not read it. I am not calling anyone out, I'm just saying. I even tried to watch the movie but never even made time for that. Kind of pathetic really! **same** same
July, Allison's pick, Buffalo Lockjaw: Thumbs up, the storyline of this book was very sad but I found the book very humorous and really enjoyed it. When I compare it to some of my other favorites I do notice a pattern in enjoying books with a dark humor. **same** same
August, Beth's pick, Time Traveller's Wife: I was not excited at all about reading this book. I thought it was going to be cheesy to read because the movie was coming out. Well, I was wrong. I loved the book, couldn't wait to see the movie. Liked the movie alot, but the book more. I had seen the previews and hated the concept but once I was involved in it I loved it. It was also interesting starting a book after seeing the previews because the trailer provided me with the faces of the characters before I could develop them myself. Luckily I love both of the actors so that worked out just fine.**same* same, and I kind of miss Clare and Henry
September, Kori's pick, The Middle Place: I just bought it at Target a couple of hours ago. I should be cracking it open instead of blogging. I'll let yall know how it is...**I just spent 5 hours reading it front to cover. Not because it was such a good read, but bc we have book club on Thursday, and I have Brit Brit on Weds and well I had to finish it today. Other than that it was very good. It was recommended to me with a certain description that didn't marry up to what I got out of the book, but overall I would recommend it as a decent read** same
October, Audra's pick, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo: I have to get it tomorrow during lunch, and I plan to read it during my flights this weekend...
Oh and my new job. I haven't really touched on that here. So as everyone reading this knows, I have been job hunting since Feb there were a couple of things that came up but ultimately did not pan out. It was really exhausting. Well eventually the stars aligned and I got the job. The job update will also be in the Thanksgiving post!