Friday, January 23, 2009

Let's get this first post out of the way,

So, I'm finally blogging. This may not turn out so well, but we'll see. It is not about my new marriage, new baby or new home. It is also not specifically about a deep passion or hobby of mine. I am guessing it will be a catch-all of various thoughts, theories and events in my life. Real original, I know. It may become private, I haven't really decided on that. I'm hoping it will encourage me to take more pictures and possibly lead me to buy a digital camera manufactured after 2003 and with a screen larger than 1" by 1".

I probably should have started this years ago because I would have had some really good stuff back then. I may remember bits and pieces and share them along the way, but overall I have an absolutely terrible memory. A few good ones I'll try to get to are; "How A Good Girl Can End Up In The Bellaire Jail", "How To Build a 4 Poster Bed While Wearing Heels", "When I Knew It Was Time To Call The Lubbock Cops During A First Date" (well really the Lubbock days could have an entire blog of it's own), "That Time I Got Drunk With A Hot Canadian In First Class On My Way To Cancun" (that would actually be a chapter in "How I Got A Passport Issued In A Day"), "This One Time I Moved To Durango, Colorado For A Year And A Half..." and "Why All High Schoolers Should Be Able To Recite The Fourth Amendment".

I am starting to settle down a bit more. I have been "starting" this process since early 2008. My 2008 resolution was to take my relationships and career more seriously. I really put that in motion by quitting a stable, resume building job in February and followed that up with a March trip to Hawaii to meet up half way with an English-Australian "friend" of mine. Needless to say, I had put my resolution on the back burner 2 weeks into last year. I am considering reviving it for '09, but no rash decisions on that just yet ;)

Well, I think I am going to wrap this up because I'm really only blabbering on to get my first post out of the way. Please feel free to leave a comment so I can feel the love!


Raye said...

Well I'm certainly eager to hear more. The bed-building-in-heels sounds particularly intriguing. I confess that I'm more jazzed by your upcoming story lines than your poetry...but then I felt the same way about the inauguration, and they had some kind of poet laureate - so don't count that opinion for much.

Anonymous said...

I am excited to hear about the stories that i cant think of a match up too! Maybe i will start a blog thing when i move to case...then again I am not a big journal type.So what is your 2009 resolution?

Kori said...

Kaylee, dude, this is a blog NOT a journal. You should def start a blog!

Unknown said...

This ought to provide me with some more entertainment at work. Keep the stories coming!

adp said...

what up yo? I love the bellaire jail story. i want to hear some of the others!

Anonymous said...

always up for a good kori story. let's go do lunch soon.

Amanda Hopper said...

Love it! I'm always in need of more entertaining blogs and I'm sure yours won't fail me. It will be much more entertaining than mine; I'm sure of that!